Convert between Cosmos(cosmos1), Ethereum(0x) with checksum and different cosmos or EVM based chain using bech32 address prefixes.
Please input address
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Note that the derivation path (SLIP44) of Cosmos/ATOM (118) addresses is usually different from Ethereum/ETH (60)!
This means this tool CANNOT calculate conversion between Cosmos and EVM addresses from a SEED PHRASE (HD Wallet).
Some EVM-compatible Cosmos-SDK based chains (e.g., Evmos, Dymension) use 60 as the derivation path. Please be careful when you are converting prefixes based on these chains.
On the other hand, if a PRIVATE KEY is used instead, the converted address would be correct for all chains.
For an example list of derivation paths for different chains, please refer to this document by Cosmostation.
A checksum address (EIP-55) is a system for Ethereum addresses that adds a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters to help catch typing mistakes. By using a special method to decide which letters should be capitalized, it makes errors more obvious and helps ensure transactions go to the correct address.
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